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2014年10月27日 星期一

荷蘭爵士鋼琴家麥可迪費洛 來台舉辦音樂會及主題工作坊 Dutch pianist Mike del Ferro to perform in Taipei in late-October


來自古典的技巧素養,加上爵士樂即興與編曲的創意,使得麥可迪費洛( Mike del Ferro)的音樂,到哪裡都大受歡迎,其職業演奏生涯中,合作過的爵士樂大師不計其數,從 Toots Thielemans、 Branford Marsalis 、Jack DeJohnette 與 Randy Brecker等都稱許他卓越的演奏功力與編曲技能,也紛紛引薦他到世界各個角落給更多樂迷。

此次來台,麥可迪費洛將於 10月31 日(五)於台北河岸留言藝文咖啡舉行音樂會,與台灣知名爵士小提琴家謝啟彬、貝斯手林后進和鼓手林文昱共同演出,帶來這些年於世界各地巡迴而成的新作品,讓台灣觀眾感受古典樂與爵士樂融合的音樂現場。

此外,麥可迪費洛將於 11月1 日(六)在爵士原力基地舉行主題式工作坊,進行從古典樂到爵士樂、拉丁樂語彙律動,與爵士樂團合奏及電子合成鍵盤演奏技巧等課程,為台灣音樂老師、學生與職業樂手,提出強而有力的心法。

時間: 10月31 日(五) 21:00
地點 : 河岸留言音樂藝文咖啡(台北市中正區羅斯福路三段 244巷2 號B1樓)

時間: 11月1 日(六)
10:00 -12: 00  將古典音樂爵士化的真正實戰
13:00 -15: 00  爵士樂團合奏指導大師班
15:00 -17: 00  教你真的把Keyboard 彈好並學會處理音色及風格
18:00 -20: 00  巴西音樂語彙與律動之完全掌握
地點:爵士原力基地(台北市中山區北安路 595巷30 號B1)
洽詢電話: 02-2533-8740台北市國際爵士樂教育推廣協會

Dutch pianist Mike del Ferro to perform in Taipei in late-October

"Mike del Ferro is a multi talented musician and composer who gives us a tasteful display of his harmony, versatility and melody" -Toots Thielemans

Renowned Dutch pianist Mike del Ferro will visit Taiwan in late-October to perform with Taiwanese jazz musicians and also give workshops.

Dutch pianist Mike del Ferro is a highly sought-after composer, pianist and arranger who writes and performs in an impressive array of musical genres. He has travelled the world extensively (more than 100 countries), searching for collaborations with musicians from cultures quite different to his own, and the musical results have been eye-opening, building musical bridges between cultures not normally within reach of each other. He has managed to combine elements of the revered canons of Western music interspersed with the audacity of jazz improvisation, and paying tribute to the ancient structures of Asian, South American and African traditional music.

Mike's father was opera singer Leonard del Ferro (1921-1992), who sang and recorded with Maria Callas, and his childhood was thus filled with music of the highest order. A native of Amsterdam, he started his career studying classical piano at the age of nine and, after falling in love with jazz, he focused his studies on jazz and received a Masters of Music in Contemporary Music from the Amsterdam Conservatory.

In 1989 he won First Prize at the Rotterdam Jazz Piano Competition, the Soloist Prize at the Europe Jazz Contest in Brussels, and First Prize at the Karlovy Vary Jazz contest and from 1993-1996 studied composition and arranging with Bob Brookmeyer at the Musikhochschule in Cologne, Germany. In 1995 Mike was appointed to the faculty of the Royal Conservatory in Gent, Belgium where he taught jazz piano until 1997. His reputation as a soloist, accompanist, composer and arranger has led to worldwide performances, recordings and tours with musicians such as Toots Thielemans, Jack DeJohnette, Oscar Castro Neves, Deborah Brown, Erik Truffaz, Jorge Rossy, Sibongile Khumalo, Carl Allen, Scott Hamilton, Richard Galliano, Thijs van Leer (Focus), Harold Land, Jan Akkerman, Norma Winstone, Benny Bailey, Candy Dulfer, Trijntje Oosterhuis, Badi Assad, Fernanda Porto, Madou Diabate and Maria Pia deVito. He has also recorded dozens of albums in many different genres from Dixieland to Salsa and has arranged music for animation for Danish animator and Oscar winner, Börge Ring.

Mike del Ferro goes by Mark Twain's dictum - "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime" - and his music reflects the array of influences that he has picked up in some of the most exotic places in the world.

31 October 2014 (Fri) @ Riverside Music Cafe
Starts: 21:00
Tickets available at door and online : http://tickets.books.com.tw/progshow/03040001801977

1 November 2014 (Sat) @ TIJEPA Base
Tickets available at door and online :

More info : http://www.facebook.com/TIJEPA  

