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2015年5月14日 星期四

台灣唯一常態性演出黑人音樂的爵士原力黑樂團 515大河岸拉丁騷動聖堂黑樂夜準備嗨翻天 Latin Funk Night of TIJEPA Jazz Groove Band on May 15th at Riverside Live House Ximen!

台灣唯一常態性演出黑人音樂的爵士原力黑樂團  515大河岸拉丁騷動聖堂黑樂夜準備嗨翻天

Latin Funk Night of TIJEPA Jazz Groove Band

爵士原力黑樂團 國內唯一常態性黑人音樂完整編制樂團
從西門河岸留言到大安森林公園 場場轟動爆滿
從馬拉松演出到台北爵士音樂節 激起無限漣漪
我們放電的能量超強 現場的熱力超HIGH
想聽全部都是真人超強樂手的Funk Groove?
喜歡Acid Jazz跟R&B_Soul的你 更是不能錯過
台灣最純最到位的黑人音樂樂團 驚喜編制合體
愛聽歌?愛跳舞? 都一定要來!


預計演出曲目包含Bruno Mars、Beyonce、Michael Jackson、Stevie Wonder、George Duke等歌手節奏藍調與放克曲風名曲,以及名團Jamiroquai、Incognito、Earth, Wind & Fire、Tower of Power、Kool & the Gang等的經典重編,加上多首拉丁舞曲等,歡迎到現場來邊聽邊尬舞!

Coach / Arranging:謝啟彬、張凱雅
Drums & Percussion:林俊宏、陳函漁
Alto / Tenor Saxophone:林承鴻

2015.05.15 FRI 20:00
河岸留言西門紅樓展演館 Riverside Live House 票價 : 400
購票請洽: 河岸留言/博客來售票網 http://goo.gl/asf4w9
主辦:爵士原力 www.taipeijazz.com

Latin Funk Night of TIJEPA Jazz Groove Band on May 15th at Riverside Live House Ximen!

The one-and-only regular band that focus on Black music such as Funk, R&B, Soul, Hip-Hop and Acid Jazz... exclusively in Taiwan - TIJEPA Jazz Groove Band is going to give the 5th grand performance - "Latin Funk Night of TIJEPA Jazz Groove Band” on May 15 at Riverside Live House at Ximending, Taipei City!

TIJEPA Jazz Groove Band was coached by veteran Taiwanese jazz musicians Chi-pin Hsieh & Kai-ya Chang, who also do the arranging and organizing as musical directors of the band and TIJEPA. Most band members knew each other from the annual Taipei International Summer Jazz Academy, and work professionally throughout Taiwan. Every week we gather together for rehearsals in Taipei, not only working on the groove but also on the better jazz chops since 2013, and already gave big concerts at Taipei International Jazz Festival, Concert Venues in Taipei and Outdoor Stage in the South, gained positive feedback from the audience and music lovers who addict to groove kinds of music.

The band consists of 20 members including brass section, string section, woodwind section, 3 guitarists, 2 keyboardists, bassist and drummers and percussionist one for each, there are 4 singers in the band so that they sing the lead and take gospel-like chorus by turns. It’s very rare to see a local Taiwanese band with such large scale, and concentrate on making greater Grooves!

The 5th grand performance on May 15 will be a theme on Latin Funk, besides music of Bruno Mars, Beyonce, Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, George Duke, there will be classic groove music like the music of Jamiroquai, Incognito, Earth, Wind & Fire, Tower of Power, Kool & the Gang to be interpreted. Come to listen and dance at the same time, enjoy the night!

*Time - 20:00 Friday, May 15th
*Venue - Riverside Live House Ximen
*Tickets available here and at door - http://goo.gl/asf4w9
*More about the Band - https://www.facebook.com/jazzgrooveband
*Promotional Clip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JM5xda0mZE8
*Organized by TIJEPA - http://www.taipeijazz.com / http://www.chipinkaiyajazz.com



